“Featuring” Expression of Feelings Using Feeling-Frames - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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“Featuring” Expression of Feelings Using Feeling-Frames

by Sheila Zagula November 22, 2016 2 min read 2 Comments

During Maryellen’s last two webinars, Story Grammar Marker: 2 Key Things That Set It Apart and 5 Elements of the Critical Thinking Triangle in Action!, she used a feeling-frame with the boys who participated in the lesson to highlight how characters were feeling and what they were thinking in the story, Those Shoes by Maribeth Boltz.

The frames have been particularly motivating with students. They can be easily made using tongue depressors and popsicle sticks. Craft stores carry colorful ones in various sizes. We have found the easiest way to hold them together is with glue dots, also available in craft stores. These activities would go nicely with our new product, The Critical Thinking Triangle in Action! and are very adaptable to students and materials!

The participants were asked to model the emotions and discuss the thoughts of the designated Character using the frame. Below are pictures of two of the participants as they try out the frame.

Boy 1Boy 2

Below is an extension of this activity that you may find helpful.

Character and Feeling-Thought Frames

Use the smaller version(s) of picture frames above with stories that the students are reading. Put the smaller frame around a Character you want to discuss and then ask the students to demonstrate the emotion shown on the Character’s face using the larger frame.

Invite the students to discuss and use feeling words. Talk about what the Characters may be thinking using both the text and pictures.

Below is a picture from Big Al and Shrimpy by Andrew Clements. Shrimpy is shocked to see that Big Al is trapped and is wondering what will happen!

Page from Big Al Boy 3 Surprised

Or you may use the smaller versions of the feeling-thought frame when reading with the students. Ask them to frame a picture of a Character that is feeling sad or angry, for example. Or, you frame a picture and ask students to discuss with their partner how and why they think a Character is feeling a certain way.

You may also use two frames to talk about interactions among characters: How did they both feel? How did one Character’s action cause another Character to feel a certain way?

Below are pictures from Clifford, The Small Red Puppy by Norman Bridwell and Passage To Freedom, The Sugihara Story by Ken Mochizuki using these mini-frames.

Page from CliffordAnother Page from Clifford

Page from Passage To FreedomAnother Page from Passage To Freedom

Sheila Zagula
Sheila Zagula

Sheila Zagula works with MindWing Concepts in product development, drawing on her expertise and talents as well as many years of implementing the Story Grammar Marker® and related materials. Her teaching career spans thirty-eight years, most recently as literacy coach in the Westfield Massachusetts Public School System. Sheila has experience as an early childhood educator, a teacher of children with special needs, and a collaborative instructor within an inclusion framework serving children in grades K-5.

2 Responses

Antonella Petti
Antonella Petti

March 04, 2019

Hi Sheila,
I just want to send you a SUPER thank you for all your amazing lessons. These are great ideas that are organized, fun and motivating for my students. Keep them coming…
Have a wonderful day,

Rachel Varriale
Rachel Varriale

November 24, 2016

What a wonderful way to encourage student engagement!!

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