Funding Sources - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Funding Sources

How Can My School District Fund MindWing’s Professional Development and/or Materials?

The following are 16 funding sources that will help you implement MindWing’s methodology in your school district. Please email Sheila Moreau or call 866.851.2415 for more information about using any of these funding sources.

  1. Overall Budget for District-Wide Initiatives
  2. Professional Development Budget (staff training and workshops)
  3. Instructional / Educational Materials Budget
  4. Supplementary Materials Budget
  5. RTI (Response to Intervention Budget):
    Federal guidelines mandate that 15% of IDEA budget must go toward RTI; MindWing’s methodology can be used for Tier I, II and III Intervention.
  6. Special Education Funds (IDEA funds & Speech / Language Department Budget)
  7. General Education Operational Budget (at the school level)
  8. ELL (English Language Learner) Budget
  9. Early Childhood Education Budget
  10. PTA / PTO / Parent Groups
  11. Competitive Grants / Capital Campaigns
  12. Title I Funds:
    1. Local Educational Grants
    2. Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start
    3. Prevention and Intervention Programs for Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk
    4. Federal Activities – Section 1502 “Demonstration of Innovative Practices”
    5. Comprehensive School Reform
    6. School Dropout Prevention
    7. School Improvement
  13. Title II Part A Funds: Teacher and Principal Training – Improving Teacher Quality
  14. Title III Part A and B Funds: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students
  15. Title V Part A: Innovative Programs
    For more information regarding the rules and regulations of the Federal Title Programs please visit:
  16. Medicaid:
    For more information please visit:

Federal matching funds under Medicaid are available for the cost of administrative activities that directly support efforts to identify and enroll potential eligibles into Medicaid and that directly support the provision of medical services covered under the state Medicaid plan. Administrative activities provided in schools may include: outreach, facilitating eligibility determination, program planning and coordination, training, and referral, coordination and monitoring of services.

Many of the administrative activities that are claimable to Medicaid are those associated with and in support of the provision of medical services reimbursable under Medicaid. (See Section IV., Subsection C., Activity Codes 5.b., 6.b., 7.b., and 9.b.). The medical services reimbursable by Medicaid that are provided in schools are: 1) medical services that are specified in a Medicaid eligible child’s IEP; and 2) EPSDT-type primary and preventive services provided in schools where third party liability requirements are met.

Schools can provide a wide range of health care and related services to their students, which may or may not be reimbursable under the Medicaid program. The services can be categorized as follows:

  • IDEA related health services.
  • Section 504” related health services.
  • General health care services.

Medicaid covers services included in an IEP under the following conditions:

  • The services are medically necessary and included in a Medicaid covered category (speech therapy, physical therapy, etc.).
What Speech-Language Pathology Services are Covered under Medicaid?

Services for individuals with speech, hearing, or language disorders are covered, meaning diagnostic, screening, preventive, or corrective services provided by or under the direction of a speech-language pathologist. This includes any necessary supplies or equipment. For additional information, please visit: