Story Grammar Marker® KICK Start! - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Story Grammar Marker® KICK Start!

Different from the SGM® Quick Start (our starter set) or the full Story Grammar Marker® Kit (geared for classroom use, grades 2-5), this Story Grammar Marker® KICK Start contains 6 vital SGM® materials that an SLP or specialist would need to “kick start” implementation of this approach across elementary grade levels and ability levels.

The Story Grammar Marker® Teacher manipulative is a hands on, multi-sensory tool for developing narrative language competence. It has colorful, meaningful, patented icons that represent the macro-structure of a story episode.  Stories are the human mode of thought (Bruner) and provide a context for thinking about problems and making plans, and for sharing our thoughts, feelings, ideas, dreams, hopes, memories and beliefs in both academic and social situations. The SGM® addresses expressive and receptive language, reading comprehension, writing, pragmatics, perspective-taking, critical and creative thinking, social communication, executive functions, and self-regulation of emotions. It can be used in all tiers of intervention and instruction (MTSS).

The SGM® Manual contains the “how to,” the research base, the methodology, developmental stages of narratives, student maps, children’s literature analyses, ELL/cultural aspects, and suggested book lists. Stories for Teaching and Modeling Narrative Text Structure provides 5 stories analyzed up to the Complete Episode of narrative development for getting started with using the SGM® Approach and for quick assessment. The SGM® Stickers can be used in comprehension, writing/editing, for bookmarks, and more! The Critical Thinking Triangle in Action Set has visual, kinesthetic tools with activities for deep thinking about the elements of kick-offs, feelings, plans, and mental states. The Cohesive Tie JAR-gon Set contains a creative, engaging group activity for learning how to use conjunctions to glue the elements of a story together. Each basic conjunction also contains a more complex synonym (ex. BUT and HOWEVER).

  • How to Use the Story Grammar Marker® Manual
  • SGM® Teacher Manipulative
  • PDF file of SGM® Stories for Teaching and Modeling Narrative Text Structure
  • SGM® Narrative Icon Stickers
  • Critical Thinking Triangle® in Action! Set
  • Cohesive Tie JAR-gon

***$181.75 if each item is purchased separately

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