SGM® Mini Magnets for Narrative Intervention - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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SGM® Mini Magnets for Narrative/Expository Intervention

New Mini Magnets Contain Expository Magnets Too!

SGM® Mini Magnets are NEW and Improved! This manipulative tool, based on the Story Grammar Marker®, now has magnetic icons for both narrative and expository intervention. This new version includes all of the SGM® Icons for narrative as well as 14 new magnets for expository text. In addition, it includes a second “character icon” for perspective taking and an “obstacle” bead magnet for embedded episodes in the narrative. The Mini Magnets can be used in therapy, classroom centers, push-in, small groups, and for individual students to assist them in re-telling, telling and writing stories as well as for comprehension, perspective-taking and social problem-solving.

And, the most exciting part is that the SGM® Mini Magnets are ideal for parents to use at home to help their children express personal narratives and solve problems. Using the SGM® Mini Magnets on the refrigerator, parents can help their children to answer the often elusive question “What happened at school today?” This is the perfect tool to help build that home-school connection!

Each of the 29 magnets in this set has a colorful, child-friendly icon that represents a part of a narrative/story episode (components of the Story Grammar Marker®).

One sheet of (29) Mini Magnets, 1.5" x 1.5" with the SGM® icons for:

  • (2) Characters
  • Setting
  • (3) Kick-Offs
  • Feeling
  • Topic
  • Purpose
  • (3) Arrows
  • Thinking Words
  • Plan
  • (5) Planned Attempt Beads
  • Obstacle
  • (5) Numbered List Beads
  • (3) Direct Consequence
  • Resolution

These magnets are designed to be used with Story Grammar Marker® Methodology.

Item No. 03 026