Braidy the StoryBraid® Quick Start + FREE Braidy Digital Icons - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Braidy the StoryBraid® Quick Start + FREE Braidy Digital Icons

Get started by focusing on Oral Language Development for young children in early childhood settings (PreK- 1st grade), using Braidy the StoryBraid®, an engaging way to help young children tell their own story and re-tell stories. The Braidy® Manual shares how to implement Braidy® using children’s literature, activities, drawing, maps for narrative development, transitions, conflict resolution, conversations, personal narratives and problem-solving.

Our Friend Braidy Interactive Poster is a motivating hands-on tool that appeals to early childhood education students. The iconic structure of Braidy scaffolds narrative and oral storytelling following the developmental sequence of language acquisition. Targeted lessons foster meaningful conversation skills, problem-solving, and comprehension for your youngest students! A must-have for early childhood educators!

  • Engaging
  • Ideal for early intervention
  • Explicit lessons included in manual to get you started!


  • Targets oral language proficiency in the areas of conversation and narrative development.
  • Engages young children in recounting personal narratives and stories.
  • Provides direct instruction in the language-literacy continuum.
  • Expands language functions from self-maintenance to logical reasoning.
  • Fosters the development of thought, intent, feeling, and perspective.
  • Enables flexible grouping for instructing diverse learners.


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