Braidy the StoryBraid® Kit + FREE Braidy Digital Icons - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Braidy the StoryBraid® Kit + FREE Braidy Digital Icons

Braidy, the StoryBraid® is an exciting and creative way to introduce and target instruction using the patented narrative icons of the original Story Grammar Marker®.


    • Targets oral language proficiency in the areas of conversation and narrative development
    • Engages young children in recounting personal narratives and stories
    • Provides direct instruction in the language-literacy continuum
    • Expands language functions from self maintenance to logical reasoning
    • Fosters the development of thought, intent, feeling and perspective
    • Enables flexible grouping for instructing diverse learners

      The Kit Includes:

      Item No 01 000G

      You are allowed to download the icons to 4 devices.

      Also Misspelled as Brady