SGM® Removable Adhesive Stickers - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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SGM® Removable Adhesive Stickers

Set of 25. The SGM® icon stickers have many uses. Each sticker strip has 13 stickers. Each individual sticker image corresponds to an icon of the Story Grammar Marker®. Each icon represents a part of a narrative episode: character, setting, initiating event, feeling, plan, mental state, planned attempts (actions), direct consequence, and resolution.

Popular uses for these stickers are in individual and paired editing and revision of student writing/drawing and also putting the stickers on pages of children’s literature to identify the page that depicts that particular part of the story. The stickers are low-tack making them able to be used multiple times. They can also be used to…

  • Make individual bookmarks
  • Create custom worksheets
  • Use in Writing Work Stations
  • Stick into journals as part of students' responses
  • Customize a writing conference
  • Model revision for the class

Item No. 03 022