March 29, 2016
The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins has been a popular book used to teach sharing and fractions in elementary school. If you are not familiar with the story, Ma bakes a batch of a dozen cookies to be shared by her two children. However, as they sit down to enjoy the treat, the doorbell begins to ring with friends dropping by. Each time, the cookies must be divided up to share! The ending is quite a surprise! We have found this book to be an excellent way to reinforce the Initiating Event or “Kick-Off” icon of a story, especially in first grade. All you will need is the book and a “Kick-Off” icon taped to the end of a Popsicle stick, one for each participant...
March 25, 2016 1 Comment
In the Tall, Tall Grass by Denise Fleming has always been a favorite of mine to use with kindergarten students. It follows the perspective of a caterpillar on a journey in the tall, tall grass. I found it especially helpful to reinforce the Action Sequence, Stage 2, of narrative language development, shown below from Braidy the StoryBraid manual. The pictures below show a center activity that proved very popular with the students. The icon templates were obtained from pages 140-141 of the Braidy the StoryBraid manual. 1. I made a pocket folder for all the materials to be stored in out of green construction paper, folding it in half and cutting the “grass” along one end. 2. I cut out the star icon from page 140 of the manual...
January 12, 2016
The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton was first published in 1942 but remains a favorite of many. It tells the story of a Little House — from the house’s perspective — that is located in the country, is lived in, and surrounded by beauty.
As the Little House sees the distant lights of the city, she wonders what it would be like to live in the city, and as time goes on, she finds the city growing until she is surrounded by it and no one lives in her anymore...
January 04, 2016
The Story Grammar Marker® is twenty-five years old this year, created in 1991. 2016 will be a year of celebrations that highlight our methodology as well as tools for instruction and intervention. To kick off the year, please use this new “SGM® New Year’s Resolution Worksheet” (click here to download and print) with your students...
December 15, 2015 1 Comment
This month we will discuss the acclaimed Zones of Regulation® program and dovetailing with narrative instruction through Story Grammar Marker®. All students must develop self-regulation skills for living and learning, an area defined by author Leah Kuypers as “the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation” (Kuypers, 2011). However, students with language-learning disorders and autism spectrum and related disorders can exhibit more significant struggles with managing their mind and body given their communication needs, as well as other factors such as sensory processing...
December 08, 2015
We recently posted a blog using the SGM® Setting Map with the four seasons:
With the official first day of the winter season right around the corner, check out some of these blogs and lessons that you may want to use with your students!