Braidy® Activities Using Farm and Farm Animal Books - Summertime favor - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Braidy® Activities Using Farm and Farm Animal Books - Summertime favorites!

by Sheila Zagula July 18, 2019 4 min read

Sixteen Acres Library imageToday I visited the Sixteen Acres Library in Springfield, MA. As I was browsing in the children’s section, I turned to find three youngsters reading a big book, Big Red Barn,Big Red Barn cover written by Margaret Wise Brown. We have a farm-related blog on our website using this book that you can find here. The blog includes a wonderful downloadable activity you may be interested in sharing with your students about the farm.

Cow Who Climbed A Tree coverFirst inside illustrationOn a table of featured books, I then found The Cow Who Climbed A Tree by Gemma Merino. To continue with the farm theme, I checked out this book and thought you may enjoy sharing it with your students. Please feel free to modify/change any of the following ideas (K-2) to fit your particular objectives:

  1. Share the cover and first picture page with the students. Ask students what they think about the pictures! Have them Turn and Talk and then share with the group.

  2. Discuss the word curious. Chances are students will be reminded of Curious George. Tell the students that The Cow Who Climbed A Tree is about a cow named Tina who is curious. Tina is always wanting to see, learn and try new and different things.
    Ask children if/when they have been curious and invite students to share responses aloud.

  3. Read the story for enjoyment.

  4. Use Braidy® or SGM® to retell the story. This is a great book—especially for first and second graders—to discuss a story from more than one perspective. You can use the flexibility of the SGM® methodology to focus on simple to more complex retellings.
    Using the wonderful illustrations in this book, walk the students through the story and map it out similar to what follows, modifying as you see fit for your students.
  • Setting: Farm, fields near woods
  • Kick-Off: Tina was exploring the woods.
  • Feeling: She was feeling curious.
  • Plan: To try something new
  • Action: Climbs a tree
  • Action: Meets a friendly dragon
  • Action: Tells her sisters about her adventures (Note: They didn’t believe her.)
  • Action: Leaves her sisters a note telling them she is going flying with the dragon. (Note: Again, they don’t believe her.)
  • Direct Consequence: Tina has a wonderful time “flying!” Her sisters discover that Tina actually did go flying. Tina showed her sisters that there is a whole world outside of the farm!
  • Resolution: Happy, pleased with herself. Tina didn’t give up! She followed her dreams!
  • Setting: Farm, fields near woods
  • Kick-Off: Tina leaves her sister’s a note telling them she is going flying with the dragon of the woods
  • Feeling: Angry, disgusted
  • Plan: To find Tina and bring her home
  • Action: Enter the woods (this is their first time leaving the farm)
  • Action: See a pig with a backpack climbing a tree the has a sign “Flying lessons today” and they follow
  • Action: See a beautiful world
  • Action: See Tina and other animals “flying”
  • Direct Consequence: Tina asks them to join her and they do! They agree with Tina!
  • Resolution: Excited, thrilled! They are curious to see what is next (perhaps outer space!)!
  1. Pages 3-4 imagepages 10-11 image
    Reread and share pictures on pages 3-4 and pages 11-12. Discuss how Tina’s sisters reacted to her. Ask students how they think they would feel if they were Tina.

    Sad Braidy imagepages 10-11 image
    You may use the Braidy® Doll features, the back of the Braidy Checker, or discuss feeling words. Discuss that Tina did not let her sisters bother her nor did she give up. Tina continued to think of new adventures!

  2. Use the SGM® Mini-Magnets in a small group setting. Review that the main character, Tina, is curious. Use the book and make a list of the adventures that Tina had in this story, as shown.
    Whiteboard 1 image
  3. Cow Drawing Sheet image
    Give each student a character cutout of Tina. You may download this one to use. Ask the students to think of other star settings / star adventures that Tina could have. You may use the list map you just created above to ask, “What other adventures will Tina go on?”
    Whiteboard 2 image
    Give each child a piece of paper and ask them to draw a picture using the cutout. Share completed projects. Below see the sample of one showing Tina driving a car drawn by a student who will be entering second grade in the fall.
    Car Drawing image

  4. Invite students to share their work and model making another class list to reinforce the concept of a LIST using the pictures drawn by the students. You may want to create a class book using the drawings, named “Tina’s New Adventures!” Put this book in your class library. I know it will be a hit!

Finally, you may want to gather farm-related books for students to share… especially if you are teaching summer school. I can remember sitting outside under the shade with students reading books… such a great way to spend time on these warm summer days!

Check out these other books by Gemma Merino.
Sheila Zagula
Sheila Zagula

Sheila Zagula works with MindWing Concepts in product development, drawing on her expertise and talents as well as many years of implementing the Story Grammar Marker® and related materials. Her teaching career spans thirty-eight years, most recently as literacy coach in the Westfield Massachusetts Public School System. Sheila has experience as an early childhood educator, a teacher of children with special needs, and a collaborative instructor within an inclusion framework serving children in grades K-5.

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