Comprehension Involves More Than Just the Beginning-Middle-End of a St - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Comprehension Involves More Than Just the Beginning-Middle-End of a Story

by Sheila Moreau November 08, 2010 1 min read

MindWing’s Episode Organizer Poster – Explicit & Systematic

This is a MindWing Concepts Map of the components of a story taking into consideration “story grammar.” It is called “The SGM® Episode Organizer.” The story grammar components, making up the beginning/middle/end of a story are shown as icons. The Character, Setting, Kick-off (problem or excitement), Feeling and Plan are in the beginning. The actions (attempts) to carry out the plan make up the middle and the Consequence and resolution make up the end.

Story Grammar Episode Organizer Poster

Click image to enlarge

Make the contrast between the traditional Beginning/Middle/End map and this one evident to the participants.

You may want to tell the participants that such an iconic map (and the three dimensional tool) are called “non-linguistic representations” of language.

Marzano in his classic text entitled Classroom Instruction that Works, notes that non-linguistic representations (along with compare/contrast, setting of objectives and provision of feedback), raise achievement when intentionally taught and used consistently.

Sheila Moreau
Sheila Moreau

Sheila M. Moreau, M.Ed. is vice president at MindWing Concepts. Her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology is from St. Anselm College and Master’s of Education degree from Cambridge College. Sheila has twenty years of experience in marketing and sales in the telecommunications, commercial real estate, fundraising and educational publishing industries. Sheila co-authored The Essential SGM® with Maryellen Moreau, drawing upon her experience in her graduate studies. Sheila was on the Early Literacy Advisory Board of Cherish Every Child (Irene E. and George A. Davis Foundation),; she sits on the Board of Directors for the International VolleyBall Hall of Fame and serves as Co-Chair of Marketing and Sponsorship for the St. Patrick’s Committee of Holyoke, Inc.

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