Room on the Broom! Halloween Book, Netflix Original & DIY Re-telling W - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Room on the Broom! Halloween Book, Netflix Original & DIY Re-telling Wheel!

October 24, 2018 2 min read 1 Comment

If you are looking for a lively read for Halloween, check out Room on the Broom, written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Alex Scheffler. This book is presented in delightful rhyme, making it an ideal book for the younger set (Pre-K—Gr 2). It is a perfect selection to map out two Complete Episodes emphasizing a new Kick-Off.

Room on the Broom Netflix image
Room on the Broom
is also a short (25-min) film
available on Netflix

Below is the story mapped out from the witch’s perspective. Use Braidy the StoryBraid® or the Story Grammar Marker® to retell it to the students. At the end of this blog, we have also included a downloadable “Retelling Wheel” to be used by students to retell the story to one another.

  • Setting: Broomstick, along with her cat
  • Kick-Off: The wind blows her hat (bow, wand) away
  • Feeling: Surprised
  • Plan: To find the items blown by the wind
  • Attempt: Searches for the hat. The dog helps the witch and cat find the hat and asks if there is room on the broom for him. There is room so he joins them!
  • Attempt: Searches for the bow. The bird helps the witch and cat find the bow and asks if there is room on the broom for her. There is room so she joins them!
  • Attempt: Searches for the wand. The frog helps the witch and cat find the wand and asks if there is room on the broom for him. There is room so he joins them!
  • Direct Consequence: The friends fly off, enjoying the ride on the broom.
  • Resolution: Pleased, happy...
  • New Kick-Off: The broom snaps in two, the animals fall into a bog and the witch flies into a cloud where she is chased by a mean dragon.
  • Feeling: Scared
  • Plan: To get away
  • Attempt: Flies higher and higher while being chased
  • Attempt: Flies to the ground and looks for help
  • Direct Consequence: The witch is grabbed by the dragon BUT he is scared away by a horrible beast (take some time here to reread the section describing the “beast” and share the picture while pointing to the Direct Consequence on Braidy/SGM, as the children cannot wait to repeat who this horrible beast actually is!). With the help of the cat, dog, parrot, and frog, the witch mutters a spell over the cauldron and a creates a magnificent broom which they all enjoy.
  • Resolution: thrilled, ecstatic

Directions for use:

  1. Have students color and cut the circles out.
  2. Assemble the two circles using a brad, as shown.
  3. Note that the main character, the witch, is in the middle—with the character icon. Model the retelling.
  4. Invite students to retell the story starting by pointing the arrow from the witch to the cat/broom and proceeding around the larger circle.
  5. Ask students to take the project home and share with others!
Happy Halloween!!

1 Response


November 29, 2018

Thanks for the ideas/story map. Love the wheel for retelling.

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