MindWing Concepts’ professional development is customized to meet the needs of your school, school district or organization. It may include in-depth, interactive workshops, presentations, consultations, coaching and/or demonstrations focused on MindWing Concepts’ cognitive-linguistic-social methodology using MindWing,’s child-friendly materials including Braidy the StoryBraid® Story Grammar Marker®, Talk to Write, Write to Learn™, ThemeMaker® & MindWing’s Data Collection & Progress Monitoring Process™, Oral Discourse Strategies and more. CLICK HERE FOR SUGGESTED WORKSHOP TOPICS.
Workshops are highly interactive and allow for up to 100 participants and are based on learning about the research-based foundation of MindWing’s methodology and learning how to use and effectively implement MindWing’s tools for narrative development and content area text. The presenter uses MindWing’s tools as well as children’s literature, chapter books, novels and content area articles and textbook chapters. Participants will learn hands-on strategies for intervention in the areas of oral language development, critical thinking skills, listening and reading comprehension, writing, and social communication skills.
Our workshops may be On-Site in a school district or organization or may be Open to The Public (See Current List Here). Each workshop is structured to include a combination of...
Each MindWing workshop is designed with the following staff professional development goals in mind. Participants will…
Please note: There are specific Learner Outcomes for each workshop topic. CLICK HERE FOR WORKSHOP TOPICS.
A workshop is designed to be highly interactive and has a limited number of participants. A presentation, on the other hand, may be based on one of our WORKSHOP TOPICS, but lectures to a large group of 100+ participants. Although MindWing Concepts’ presenter’s style is to include activities and discussion, in a presentation this is limited due to the large number of participants and time constraints. Thus, the structure of the presentation is to conduct activities in more of a large group format. This style is appropriate for organizations such as IRA, ASHA, IDA and state and local organizations. In a presentation, instructional materials are not required but encouraged. Often MindWing Concepts will set up a display table for participants to explore the materials.
Many educators learn best by observing a particular instructional approach being conducted with their own student population. During classroom demonstrations, a MindWing presenter conducts lessons using MindWing’s methodology and tools in classrooms in that school district, while participants in that Professional Development observe the lesson. In weeks prior to the classroom demonstrations, the school district shares with MindWing the grade and ability level of the students in each of the sessions. A typical day of classroom demonstrations involves the MindWing presenter conducting 3 different lessons with 3 different groups of students. Between each lesson, there is time for the presenter to meet with the PD participants to discuss the lesson.
REQUEST A PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALCoaching sessions usually involve fewer than ten participants and are designed for targeted work with the MindWing Presenter. During a day of coaching sessions, a MindWing presenter may observe, assess and provide feedback for individual educators or teams of educators conducting lessons using MindWing’s methodology. Another option for the coaching session is to have a MindWing presenter participate in a “think tank” or brainstorming session with a small group of participants to discuss plans and challenges specific to their school district goals, curriculum and initiatives regarding the implementation of MindWing’s methodology.
REQUEST A PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALSince the Story Grammar Marker® was designed in 1991, there are professionals who have been using the methodology for decades. SGM® Certification Module I was developed for professionals who are at the expert level in using MindWing’s methodology and who want to train directly with Maryellen Rooney Moreau, creator of the Story Grammar Marker®. SGM® Certification Module I is a 2-day intensive training held at MindWing’s designated location (also may be held in school districts as requested). Designed as a roundtable, think-tank-type of workshop, this certification module will cover MindWing’s methodology from early childhood (Braidy®) to elementary (SGM®), writing (Talk to Write, Write to Learn™), and expository text (ThemeMaker®) at the middle school level. It will also cover MindWing’s focus on Autism and social communication as well as make connections to the Common Core State Standards and data collection. The major focus will be how to use MindWing’s methodology to provide instruction and intervention, while supporting the curriculum goals and State Standards by using data collection tools to monitor progress. The intention of this Module is for participants to have to ability to use this methodology at an expert level with students and clients as well as be able to mentor and in-service within a school district about the foundations of MindWing’s methodology.
***Please note: This is an ADVANCED level course. For this course to be most beneficial, all participants should already have attended a MindWing Concepts workshop in the past or have been using MindWing’s tools in school or clinical settings. This is NOT an introduction to MindWing Concepts’ methodology.
CHECK CERTIFICATION WORKSHOPS AVAILABILITYMindWing offers a Parent/Guardian Mini-Workshop. This workshop can be provided in tandem with another session of Professional Development, to be held in the evening, and lasts 1-2 hours. This workshop will give parents/guardians working knowledge of MindWing’s methodology so that they can support what and how their child is learning in school. Parents/Guardians will also learn how to use MindWing’s tools to guide family conversations, help their children “make connections,” resolve conflicts and solve problems at home.
The Home Connection is an important part of Professional Development because according to the National Education Association (NEA), parents must be actively involved in order to insure a child’s success in school. Research indicates that a child’s educational experience is enhanced when a parental figure is involved.
“In study after study, researchers discover how important it is for parents to be actively involved in their child’s education. Here are some of the findings of major research into parental involvement:
We have provided workshops to include participants in the following positions:
The participants can either be a mixture of ALL these staff positions, one particular position or "teams" of participants.
All our workshops focus on the link between language and literacy. All workshops are interactive and incorporate lecture, discussion, activities, video, modeling, and guided practice using MindWing's materials to increase student achievement. However, the combination of the participants dictates the style and focus of the workshop. Here are five examples of these styles (Remember: these are just examples; we customize the workshops to fit your needs and goals!):
Over the past 29 years of providing professional development to thousands of educators in the U.S. and Canada, we have developed and perfected various styles of workshops to meet the needs of the educators with whom we work. We are very flexible and can design your professional development to fit your needs regarding participants, release time & budget constraints.