This set is an even more advanced set for those professionals who want to focus on deepening discourse and social learning with their students using online videos specifically chosen for this purpose. The YouCue Feelings book is a guide to using specific online videos and activities for this purpose. This set includes an expanded group of SGM® tools as well as the Critical Thinking Triangle® In Action! Set. This combination of instruction, activities and materials will help in identifying social cognition and narrative thought concepts in specific online videos and enable use of SGM® tools to analyze the story/social situation.
Using the Critical Thinking Triangle In Action! Set with the online videos can help teach perspective-taking of characters, problem solving and how to build complex language. Incorporating the videos with the SGM® materials will help students to deconstruct characters and personal mental states and thoughts as well as practicing with “mental” dialogue with the videos.
YouCue Feelings guides students in thinking about, talking about, and ultimately, practicing important social learning ideas in their everyday lives.
Prod. No. 03 303G