Write a Response! - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Write a Response!

August 18, 2016 1 min read

Writing a question or statement on a whiteboard and having students respond during the school day is becoming increasingly popular. It can be used as way to check in with students about a current topic and initiate discussion.

Below is one way to bring in the SGM® icons. Put this board in view after lunch on the first day of school. You may also post the SGM® Feelings Poster as shown.

Whiteboard with Feelings Poster

Ask the students to write one word to describe how they were feeling before coming to school and one to describe how they currently are feeling.

SGM Teacher MarkerAt the end of the day, discuss these responses using the Feelings icon. You may expand on the discussion (i.e., as time permits, use the Story Grammar Marker® and ask: “What made you change the way you felt?”)

Whiteboard Writing

I’m sure you can think of many other ways to reinforce the SGM® icons into this whiteboard format! A few ideas to get you started:

Character IconName the Characters in a recent story: Write one way these two Characters are different.

Character IconStarHow did the Character in the story we read today feel at the end of the selection?

StarWrite one word to describe the Setting of the story we read today.

StarWrite the name of a Setting that you have been to that is similar to the one we read about today.

ShoeWhat was your favorite thing that happened yesterday?

Action IconWhat was your favorite thing that ______ did in the story?

Action IconWrite one thing you did last night.

Resolution IconWrite one thing you learned from this story.

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