NEW Digital SGM Icons, FREE Webinar & Online PD - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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NEW Digital SGM Icons, FREE Webinar & Online PD

March 30, 2020 3 min read

We hope this message finds you well and healthy.

Kick-Off IconCOVID19 is certainly the biggest
“Kick-Off” that many of us have ever experienced.
As teachers, specialists and/or parents, this thrusts you into the position of having to completely change how you teach, or how you deliver services or has put you into the homeschooling role.

Maryellen and SheilaAt MindWing Concepts, we want to do what we can to assist you with these distance learning and homeschooling challenges as well as offer alternative ways to access training and PD. Maryellen will continue to “GO LIVE” on social media daily and we will continue to offer FREE Webinars.

THANK YOU! Thank you for being concerned with our personal well-being and the well-being of our small family business during this uncertain time for so many. We especially want to THANK everyone who has reached out with feedback and well wishes and most importantly to those who continue to purchase our materials and attend our webinars. It is very difficult being in a business where our “customers” are schools, which are all closed at the moment. We are grateful for your support and hope we and Story Grammar Marker® can help to support you in your practice and teaching.


If you are seeking information about conducting Professional Development while your colleagues/staff work from home, we are providing 1-Day Workshops for school districts and organizations in the coming weeks. They include (3) 90-min LIVE Video Conference sessions and (3) 30-min small group activities with feedback from Maryellen Moreau. For details and pricing contact Sheila at or text at 617.839.2217.

Book Report FormYES! Permission to Use Forms From Manuals in Distance Learning!

We also want to THANK the many colleagues who have contacted us regarding permission to use our copyrighted forms (from our manuals) on Google Classroom, Google Hangouts, Zoom, Youtube and other online learning platforms. We DO authorize this use, but please refer to page 2 of all of our manuals regarding the intellectual property, trademarks, and copyrights. (We DO NOT authorize use of the icons for creating materials to be sold through a 3rd party website such as TeachersPayTeachers, as this violates our copyrights and intellectual property).

Complete Icon Set w Dancing IconsNEW! You asked, we answered: DIGITAL VERSIONS OF OUR TRADEMARKED ICONS*

Icons that can be used by professionals, parents, and students. Although nothing truly replaces the “magic” of students holding the Story Grammar Marker® and other MindWing tools in their hands, these digital icons expand the use and flexibility of Braidy®’s, SGM®’s and ThemeMaker’s approach. You can purchase each set separately:

  • Braidy the StoryBraid® Digital Icons Set ($7.95, 40 images)
  • Story Grammar Marker® Digital Icons Set ($9.95, 33 images)
  • ThemeMaker® Digital Icons Set ($7.95, 31 images)
  • The Universal Digital Icons: Complete Set of Braidy®, SGM® and ThemeMaker® Images Set of ALL 104 icons for $19.95


Click Here for Details and To Purchase

There is an included Usage Agreement which allows for personal and professional use, (but does NOT allow for the use of these icons for sale or to create materials to sell on sites like Teachers Pay Teachers). Same intellectual property restrictions apply.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 2:30-3:30pm

Webinar April 1 2020 imageWe are thrilled to have national presenter, Sean Sweeney, MS, MEd, CCC-SLP, present this webinar with us! Sean writes our monthly “Tech Tuesday” blog and is a longtime friend and colleague. He also co-presents with Maryellen during our Annual SGM® Expert Certification Module trainings, teaching how to integrate SGM® methodology and technology.

In this webinar, he will model how to use MindWing’s digital resources such as our icons and story maps in the context of tech-infused and teletherapy. Simple techniques for creating materials with software you have, such as Google Apps, Word, or PowerPoint will be demonstrated. Additionally, other resources will be explored for using narrative and expository contexts on the web and through apps. Maryellen will begin this webinar with an overview of the narrative and expository text structures using SGM® and ThemeMaker® tools to lead into Sean’s technology and telepractice techniques.


Catch up with last week’s webinar, “Maryellen’s Favorite Books To Use in Uncertain Times” and have access to the on demand recording, handout and certificate of attendance:

NEW BLOG POST: SOCIAL PRAGMATICS ON VIDEO CALLS: “Distant Socializing,” Distance Learning and Working From Home!

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