May 1, 2020: “And Then It Happened”—Books for Older Students - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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May 1, 2020: “And Then It Happened”—Books for Older Students

May 01, 2020 1 min read

And Then It Happened book coverWade, M & L. (2006). And Then It Happened. Ontario, Canada: Books for Boys

This series of books was given to me when I was in Ontario, Canada, presenting about narrative development. I thought I would present one of these stories today since there is an opportunity to have a little fun with the content of these volumes.

The short stories are written for boys (and girls) between grades 3 & 6. The website provides a sample short story from each of the volumes as well as listings of all the Canadian school systems visited by Michael Wade, one of the authors.

My favorite story is “The Giant Cupcakes.” I have used it as reader’s theater with props. It is lots of fun. There are several Kick-Offs throughout this short story...

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