DIY SGM® Icon Stickers for Reinforcing Parts of the Story - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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DIY SGM® Icon Stickers for Reinforcing Parts of the Story

March 07, 2017 2 min read

Casey and Corduroy

One of Maryellen’s granddaughter’s favorite characters – Corduroy!

Post-It Tabs PictureSTAMPede Stamp Activity SetAre you looking for a way to reinforce SGM icons with students in your small groups? Using the stamps from our Icon Stampede Stamp Activity Set and Post-It Filing Tabs, create a set of icons as shown below.

Clipboard Set-Up I picked up a clipboard to store them in order. Notice how the set of Post-It notes are green, yellow, and red to correspond to the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Various sizes are available; you may also decide to cut the larger ones in half, depending on your needs. I like the 2 inch by 1½ inch size, as I found them easy to remove.

Corduroy Book CoverRead a story of your choice with your student(s). After competing the story, go back and guide the students putting the icons over the corresponding elements, as shown below with the book Corduroy.

Picture 3

SGM Student MarkerAfter the story is completed, invite students to retell the story using the SGM Student Marker as you turn the pages of the selection to correspond to the retelling. This activity may be then placed in a center for students to pair up and share as modeled in your lesson.

Replace the icons on the clipboard to be used for the next lesson.

Picture 4Also, included below is the Corduroy story, by Don Freeman, mapped out from the perspectives of Corduroy, Lisa, and the Night Watchman, written on a Teacher Workshop Analysis Form showing macro and micro structures of the story that Maryellen presented and worked through with workshop participants. A similar map is found in our Braidy the StoryBraid Manual, page 61-62.

Corduroy’s Perspective

Workshop Main Idea-Corduroy Perspective

Workshop Details-Corduroy Perspective

Lisa’s Perspective

Workshop Main Idea-Lisa Perspective

Workshop Details-Lisa Perspective

Night Watchman’s Perspective

Workshop Main Idea-Watchman Perspective

Workshop Details-Watchman Perspective

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