Understanding Novels / Chapter Books with SGM — Part 3 - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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Understanding Novels / Chapter Books with SGM — Part 3

January 29, 2016 1 min read

Session #3: Description of a Tsunami

What is a Tsunami? A Tsunami is a huge wave that is caused by an earthquake or volcano eruption beneath the ocean/sea. There is a sequence of steps making up a Tsunami.

  1. First, the sea bottom (Tectonic Plates) erupts.
  2. Next, the tectonic plates split or overlap, and pushing upward, cause the water above the split or overlap to rise in volume.
  3. Then, the water comes together to rise above the surface. At first the wave is not noticeable.
  4. Finally, the wave grows in height as it approaches the shallower waters of the shore.
Tsunami Diagram

Below is a sequencing activity you can use with your students. Shown is the Sequence Map from MindWing’s The ThemeMaker Teacher’s Manual.

ThemeMaker Sequence Map

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