5+ Books for Summer - MindWing Concepts, Inc.

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5+ Books for Summer

June 21, 2017 2 min read

When my children were young, one of our favorite summer pastimes was a weekly trip to our local library here in Springfield, Massachusetts. A recent visit reminded me to check out the many interesting programs available for children as well as adults. We are so fortunate!

Library BookLibrary Events PictureLibrary Events 2

I remember teaching in the classroom and having a much anticipated visit
from our city’s librarian who went over the many options for summertime fun. During my days as camp counselor, a walk with the campers to our local library was always on the agenda!

A friend of mine who will be teaching elementary school this summer and I visited our local branch library to check out books for her to use to review SGM components with her students. The following are a few of the choices we made.

Hot City Book Cover
Hot City
by Barbara Joose

It’s as “hot as a fry pan” as two children make their way to their local library and find the excitement and joy of books! A great selection not only for the message but for the description of a city (Setting) Setting Icon in summer.

Sun Dance Water Dance
Sun Dance Water Dance
by Jonathan London

This beautifully illustrated book would lend itself to reviewing Actions Action Bead Icon that occur in a setting; in this story, a visit to a cabin by a river. A great follow up activity would be for the children to choose their favorite setting and write about what they do in that setting using a list map to brainstorm. The children could then create a simple watercolor wash as a background to showcase their finished writings.

One Hot Summer Day Book Cover
One Hot Summer Day
by Nina Crews

The photo collage art work is appealing in this story of a child’s hot day in the city. Your students will identify with the activities that the character engages in… and with a familiar Kick-Off Kick-Off Icon that leads to a change in the weather!

Four Seasons Make a Year Book Cover
Four Seasons Make A Year
by Anne Rockwell

This book takes us through the seasons and reminded us of one of our MindWing Blogs, Winter’s Coming: Narrative-Expository Setting Lesson which was a writing lesson on the winter season. Use this book as a jumping off point to a similar writing lesson on summer

Summersaults Book CoverYou may be interested in pairing the above book with Summersaults by Douglas Florian. This selection is a collection of 28 poems of everything summer!

And check out these two blogs as well, to expand on the setting (summer) concept:

  1. Settings and The Five Senses
  2. Story Grammar and the Classroom Curriculum: The Five Senses

Enjoy your summer, whether teaching or relaxing. And don’t forget that trip to your local library!

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