This book focuses on narrative instruction and intervention with Story Grammar Marker® for children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The goal is for all children to have the skills to independently and effectively communicate with anyone in their environment using their preferred modality of communication, including American Sign Language. This book also provides criterion-based assessments for narrative macro- and micro-structure for both English and American Sign Language.
Item No. 03 070
DRIP-EY Diagnostic Record & Intervention Plan Set (For Deaf or Hard of Hearing)
The DRIP-EY protocol gives DHH professionals a method to easily identify any gaps in language development, develop targeted intervention plans, and progress monitor language growth over time. It can be used to ameliorate the language gap in Deaf children caused by Language Deprivation Syndrome. The DRIP-EY provides you with a visual, concrete document to collect the necessary language data, as well as a graph to monitor and analyze progress in both ASL and English.